******** Abstract ******** The **pysourceinfo** package provides source information on Python runtime objects based on *inspect*, *sys*, *os*, and *imp*. The covered objects include packages, modules, functions, methods, scripts, and classes by two views: * File System View - packages, modules, and linenumbers - based on files and paths - :ref:`[File-Namebinding] `: * Runtime Object View - callables, classes, and containers - based on in-memory RTTI / introspection - :ref:`[Object-Namebinding] `: Object addresses within modules - Object Identifier OID - and the display of the runtime call flow are supported by *PyStackInfo* [pystackinfo]_. .. figure:: _static/layers-with-pystackinfo-blueprint.png :figwidth: 550 :align: center :target: _static/layers-with-pystackinfo-blueprint.png Figure: Callstack Information |figuresystemabstractprint_zoom| :ref:`more... ` .. |figuresystemabstractprint_zoom| image:: _static/zoom.png :alt: zoom :target: _static/layers-with-pystackinfo-blueprint.png :width: 16