Source code for sourceinfo.helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""pysourceinfo.helper - miscellaneous utilities - details see manuals

The provided interfaces are foreseen for the bottom layer of the software stack,
thus provide basic handling only. This includes special cases of the file system 
parameters. For more advanced file system path processing refer to *filesysobjects*. 
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
import re
from inspect import stack

from pythonids import PYV35Plus, ISSTR

from sourceinfo import SourceInfoError, \

if PYV35Plus:
    # pylint: disable-msg=F0401
    from importlib import util  # @UnresolvedImport
    # pylint: enable-msg=F0401
    from inspect import getmoduleinfo  # @UnresolvedImport

__author__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__license__ = "Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Arno-Can Uestuensoez" \
    " @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez"
__version__ = '0.1.21'
__uuid__ = '9de52399-7752-4633-9fdc-66c87a9200b8'

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

# redundant for dependency reduction - keep in sync with pysourceinfo.objectinfo
__MT_COMPILED_OPT1 = 10  # PY_COMPILED | <opt1> # 2 | 8
__MT_COMPILED_OPT2 = 18  # PY_COMPILED | <opt2> # 2 | 16

_scname = re.compile(

# removes init file from path - foreseen for package path to OID processing
CUT_INIT_PY = re.compile(r'')

[docs]def getfilepathname_type(fpath): """Type for stored module as defined by *imp*. Args: fpath: Module path. Returns: Returns the type of the file. :: result := ( C_BUILTIN | C_EXTENSION | PKG_DIRECTORY | PY_COMPILED | PY_FROZEN | PY_SOURCE ) Raises: pass-through """ if not PYV35Plus: # for now the more frequent call if not os.path.exists(fpath): return ret = getmoduleinfo(fpath) if ret and ret[3] in (PY_SOURCE, PY_COMPILED, C_EXTENSION, PKG_DIRECTORY, C_BUILTIN, PY_FROZEN): return ret[3] else: if not os.path.exists(fpath): return # # the redundnacy of type-postfixes requires now prefix-analysis by '_scname' # # In [1]: from importlib.machinery import SOURCE_SUFFIXES, DEBUG_BYTECODE_SUFFIXES # ...: , OPTIMIZED_BYTECODE_SUFFIXES, BYTECODE_SUFFIXES, EXTENSION_SUFFIXES # # In [3]: SOURCE_SUFFIXES # Out[3]: ['.py'] # # In [4]: DEBUG_BYTECODE_SUFFIXES # Out[4]: ['.pyc'] # # In [5]: OPTIMIZED_BYTECODE_SUFFIXES # Out[5]: ['.pyc'] # # In [6]: BYTECODE_SUFFIXES # Out[6]: ['.pyc'] # # In [7]: EXTENSION_SUFFIXES # Out[7]: ['', '', '.so'] x = _scname.findall(fpath) if x: x = x[0] # trust... else: x = os.path.splitext(fpath) if x[-1] in SOURCE_SUFFIXES: return __MT_SOURCE elif x[-1] in EXTENSION_SUFFIXES: return __MT_EXTENSION elif x[-1] in BYTECODE_SUFFIXES and not x[-2]: return __MT_COMPILED elif x[-1] in OPTIMIZED_BYTECODE_SUFFIXES and x[-2]: if x[-2] == 'opt-1': return __MT_COMPILED_OPT1 if x[-2] == 'opt-2': return __MT_COMPILED_OPT2 raise SourceInfoError( "Unknown opt:" + str(x[-2]) + " " + str(fpath)) elif x[-1] in DEBUG_BYTECODE_SUFFIXES: return __MT_COMPILED_DEBUG return __MT_UNKNOWN
def get_oid_filepathname(oid, spath=None): """File path name for OID. """ find_spec = util.find_spec(oid, spath) if not find_spec is None: return find_spec.origin
[docs]def getpythonpath(pname, plist=None, **kw): """Matches prefix from sys.path. Foreseen to be used for canonical base references in unit tests. This enables in particular for generic tests of file system positions where originally absolute pathnames were required. Args: pname: Path name to be searched an appropriate pythonpath prefix for, either absolute or relative to an item of *plist*. plist: List of possible python paths. Alternative to *sys.path*. default := sys.path kw: ispre: If *True* adds a postfix path separator. presolve: Defines the path resolution strategy:: presolve := ( P_FIRST | P_LAST | P_LONGEST | P_SHORTEST ) The default is stored in:: sourceinfo.presolve = P_FIRST verify: Verify against the filesystem, else no checks are done. default := True Returns: Returns the first matching path prefix from sys.path, as 'normpath'. Else:: ispre == True: returns empty str - '' else: returns None Raises: SourceInfoError pass-through """ _pre = kw.get('ispre') _verify = kw.get('verify', True) if not pname: # shortcut for empty/None - so following check know a parameter is provided if _verify: raise SourceInfoError('no valid param pname = "%s"' % (str(pname))) if _pre: return '' return None if not plist: plist = sys.path _presolve = kw.get('presolve', presolve) # path or object name try: _fp = os.path.normpath(pname) except TypeError: try: _fp = os.path.normpath(pname.__file__) except: if _verify: raise SourceInfoError('not valid pname = %s' % (str(pname))) # # now shure, 'pname' is valid # if os.path.isabs(_fp): if pname in plist: # is a search path itself if _verify and not os.path.exists(pname): # absolute is has to exist itself raise SourceInfoError('does not exist: \n abs: %s' % (str(pname))) # simply not searched if _pre: return _fp + os.sep return _fp if _verify: _fplst = [] for x in plist: if _fp.startswith(x) and os.path.exists(x): _fplst.append(x) else: _fplst = [x for x in plist if _fp.startswith(x)] else: _fplst = [] for _sp in plist: if _verify and not os.path.exists(_sp + os.sep + _fp): continue if _pre: _fplst.append(_sp + os.sep) else: _fplst.append(_sp) if _verify and not _fplst: raise SourceInfoError('does not exist: %s' % (str(pname))) if _presolve == P_FIRST: if _verify and not os.path.exists(_fplst[0]): raise SourceInfoError('does not exist: %s' % (str(_fplst[0]))) return _fplst[0] elif _presolve == P_LAST: if _verify and not os.path.exists(_fplst[-1]): raise SourceInfoError('does not exist: %s' % (str(_fplst[-1]))) return _fplst[-1] elif _presolve == P_LONGEST: _fpnew = '' for x in _fplst: if _verify and not os.path.exists(x): continue if len(x.split(os.sep)) > len(_fpnew.split(os.sep)): # number of path-items _fpnew = x elif _presolve == P_SHORTEST: _fpnew = '' for x in _fplst: if _verify and not os.path.exists(x): continue if not _fpnew: _fpnew = x elif len(x.split(os.sep)) < len(_fpnew.split(os.sep)): # number of path-items _fpnew = x else: raise SourceInfoError("unknown presolve = " + str(presolve)) if _verify and not _fpnew: raise SourceInfoError('does not exist: %s' % (str(pname))) return _fpnew
[docs]def getpythonpath_rel(pname, plist=None, **kw): """Verifies an absolute or relative path name to be reachable as a relative path to one item of the search list *plist*. Args: pname: Path name of a path searched for relative to an item of *plist*. Absolute is cut, relative is searched literally. plist: Search path alternative to *sys.path*. *default := sys.path* kargs: presolve: The type of path resolution: :: pname is relative: presolve := ( P_FIRST ) pname is absolute: presolve := ( P_FIRST | P_LAST | P_LONGEST | P_SHORTEST ) *default := pysourceinfo.presolve(P_FIRST)* raw: If *True* suppresses the call of 'os.path.normpath()':: raw := ( True # keep e.g. multiple and trailing *os.sep* | False # apply os.path.normpath() ) default := False normpath: The method to be called for the normalization of the provided input path. This is in particular required when cross-platform path strings are provided. These are by default processed internally with the *os.sep* of the current platform only. The *API* is as defined by 'os.path.normpath':: normapth := ( <custom-call> | <default-call> ) custom-call := ( ntpath | posixpath | <any-compatible-api> ) default-call := os.path.normpath verify: Verify against the file system, else no checks are done. *default := True* Returns: First matched path from *sys.path* as normalized path. Else:: if PYTHONPATH[i] == pname: returns empty str - '' else: if verify: raise SourceInfoError else: returns None Raises: SourceInfoError pass-through """ _normpath = kw.get('normpath', os.path.normpath) _raw = kw.get('raw', False) _verify = kw.get('verify') if not pname: # shortcut for empty/None - so following check know a parameter is provided if _verify: raise SourceInfoError('no valid param pname = "%s"' % (str(pname))) return pname if not plist: plist = sys.path if os.path.isabs(pname): _presolve = kw.get('presolve', presolve) else: _presolve = P_FIRST # path or object name if not _raw and _normpath: try: _fp = _normpath(pname) except TypeError: try: _fp = _normpath(pname.__file__) except: if _verify: raise SourceInfoError('not valid pname = %s' % (str(pname))) else: _fp = pname # # now shure, 'pname' is valid # if os.path.isabs(_fp): if pname in plist: # is a search path itself if _verify and not os.path.exists(pname): # absolute is has to exist itself raise SourceInfoError('does not exist: \n abs: %s' % (str(pname))) if pname == _fp: return '' return _fp # for now assume x=='' is not valid _fplst = [x for x in plist if x and _fp.startswith(x)] else: _fplst = [] for _sp in plist: if os.path.exists(_sp + os.sep + _fp): _fplst.append(_sp) else: continue # no plist if not _fplst: if pname == '': if not _verify: return '' if not _verify: return raise SourceInfoError('does not exist: %s' % (str(pname))) if _presolve == P_FIRST: if _verify and not os.path.exists(_fplst[0]): raise SourceInfoError('does not exist: %s' % (str(_fplst[0]))) if os.path.isabs(_fp): _ret = _fp[len(_fplst[0]):] if os.path.isabs(_ret): return _ret[1:] else: return _fp elif _presolve == P_LAST: if _verify and not os.path.exists(_fplst[-1]): raise SourceInfoError('does not exist: %s' % (str(_fplst[-1]))) if os.path.isabs(_fp): _ret = _fp[len(_fplst[-1]):] if os.path.isabs(_ret): return _ret[1:] else: return _fp elif _presolve == P_LONGEST: _fpnew = '' _shortest = '' for x in _fplst: if _verify and not os.path.exists(x): continue if not _shortest: _shortest = x for y in plist: if x.startswith(y): if y and len(y.split(os.sep)) < len(_shortest.split(os.sep)): _shortest = y if not _fpnew: _fpnew = x elif len(x.split(os.sep)) < len(_fpnew.split(os.sep)): # number of path-items - search longest relative sub, neef shortest python path _fpnew = x if _fpnew: if _fpnew[-1] == os.sep: return pname[len(_fpnew):] return pname[len(_fpnew) + 1:] elif _presolve == P_SHORTEST: # simple literal static sub directories only kw['presolve'] = P_LONGEST _longest = getpythonpath(_fp, plist, **kw) _sp = _fp[len(_longest):] if os.path.isabs(_sp): return _sp[1:] return _sp else: raise SourceInfoError("unknown presolve = " + str(presolve)) if _verify and not _fpnew: raise SourceInfoError('does not exist: %s' % (str(pname))) return _fpnew
[docs]def getpythonpath_rel_oid(pname, plist=None, **kw): """Calls *getpythonpath_rel*, returns the relative path as dotted *OID* relative to the search path. Args: For interface parameters refer to:: sourceinfo.helper.getpythonpath_rel() kargs: For remaining parameters refer to *getpythonpath_rel*. restype: Result type:: restype = ( OID_STR # OID as dottedt string representation | OID_TUPLE # OID as tuple | OID_LIST # OID as list ) default := OID_STR sepin: The path separator:: default := os.sep The function internally checks the presence of the provided path. This is not cross-converted, thus requires native separator characters. While the *NT* file system supports multiple separators, the *posix* based file systems support regularly the slash '/' only. Thus these fail when other separator characters are provided. For advanced cross-capabilities refer to *filesysobjects*. sepout: The path separator:: default := '.' Returns: Returns the provided result by *getpythonpath_rel* in accordance to the requested result type - see *restype*. Raises: SourceInfoError pass-through """ _restype = kw.get('restype', OID_STR) _sepin = kw.get('sepin', os.sep) _sepout = kw.get('sepout', '.') if not isinstance(pname, ISSTR): raise SourceInfoError("Supports string input only, got:" + str(pname)) # is not part of OID naming convention, so cut it off _res = getpythonpath_rel(CUT_INIT_PY.sub('', pname), plist=None, **kw) if not _res: return if isinstance(_res, ISSTR): if _restype == OID_STR: return re.sub(re.escape(_sepin), _sepout, _res) elif _restype == OID_TUPLE: return tuple(re.split(re.escape(_sepin), _res)) elif _restype == OID_LIST: return list(re.split(re.escape(_sepin), _res)) raise SourceInfoError("Supports string conversion only, got:" + str(_res))
[docs]def getstack_frame(spos=1, fromtop=False): """List of current mem-addresses on stack frames. Args: spos: Stack position. fromtop: Start on top, default from bottom. Returns: Returns the specified frame. Raises: passed through exceptions """ if fromtop: return stack()[-1 * spos] return stack()[spos]
[docs]def getstack_len(): """Length of current stack. Args: none. Returns: Returns the length of current stack. Raises: pass-through """ return len(stack())
[docs]def matchpath(path, pathlist=None, pmatch=P_FIRST): """Match a file pathname of pathname on a pathlist. Args: path: Path to be searched in *pathlist*. pathlist: Search path for a given *path*. default := *sys.path* pmatch: Match criteria for search. :: pmatch := ( P_FIRST, P_LAST, P_SHORTEST, P_LONGEST, P_IGNORE0 ) default := *P_FIRST* Returns: Returns the matched pathname from pathlist. Raises: pass-through """ _buf = None if pathlist == None: pathlist = sys.path if pmatch & P_IGNORE0: _pl = pathlist[1:] else: _pl = pathlist for sx in _pl: p0 = os.path.normpath(sx) if path.startswith(p0): if pmatch & P_FIRST: return p0 elif pmatch & P_LAST: _buf = p0 elif pmatch & P_LONGEST: if len(p0) > len(_buf): _buf = p0 elif pmatch & P_SHORTEST: if len(p0) < len(_buf) or not _buf: _buf = p0 return _buf